Sunday, February 22, 2015

Professional Development

The name of the session was "Featured Teacher Mary Beth Hertz. The host of the session was Peggy George, Lorie Moffat, and Tammy Moore. The date and time of the session was February 21, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern.

This session really hit home with me mainly because with the rolling out of the newly assessment ( the Georgia Milestone) my students have been selected as part of the 30 percent of our school that has to take the assessment online. Within the near future all students will be taking the assessment online. In this session Mary Beth Hertz talks about how she is using technology at both elementary and high school levels. Mary Beth Hertz shared rubrics, and software programs that she has used within her classroom. I will say that Mary taught from a computer lab. For most of us as educators that do not have access to a computer lab I highly recommend that you read " Teaching the iStudents" by Mark Barnes. In the book Mr. Barnes shares was to implement the use of technology within a classroom when the is minimal access to technology. I have recently started to use technology in my classroom on a daily basis in all subjects. I only have four computers and twenty students. Mr. Barnes refers to the model that I use as the rotation model.